Spring Gutter Cleaning: DIY or Hire a Pro? All You Need to Know

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning

gutter cleaning in Salt Lake

Ah, spring! 

As the weather starts warming up, you’re probably glad to see the world wake up from its cold slumber. Here in Utah, it’s been a long snowy winter. However, flowers are starting to bloom, birds are chirping, and everything looks pretty outside.  

That said, your roof and gutters might be under attack. 

Now, you may say, “But wait! My trees don’t shed their leaves and branches until fall.” While that may be true, many trees have pollen, seed pods, flowers, and even spring fruits that drop during the spring and wreak havoc on your rain gutter system. We’re talking clogs, corrosion, and more! 

That’s not all. If your gutters haven’t been cleared since the fall, you can have some damage from falling leaves, ice dams, or general wear and tear. Cleaning your gutters in the spring will enable you to examine your gutter system and see whether you need any repairs. 

But here’s the big question, should you spring-clean your gutters yourself? Or should you call for professional gutter cleaning services

Let’s find out!

DIY vs Professional Spring Gutter Cleaning: Which One is Right for You?

You already know why regular cleaning is crucial to your gutters’ overall health. Now, it’s time to decide how to do it best. We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of DIY and professional gutter cleaning, so you can make an informed choice. 

1. DIY Spring Gutter Cleaning

Many handy homeowners prefer DIY gutter cleaning and repair over professional gutter cleaning services, primarily because of the amount of money it can save. There’s plenty of information available on the internet, and you might think looking up a few tutorials is enough to learn how to clean gutters. 

But what most homeowners don’t consider is that gutter cleaning is a labor-intensive job. It takes physical abilities, expertise, and the right equipment.  

Still, if your heart is set on DIY spring gutter cleaning, you’ll be happy to know these benefits. 

  • When you clean your gutters yourself, you’re in complete control of the process. This means you can choose when the job gets done instead of relying on someone else’s availability.
  • Even the most affordable professionals cost money. DIY gutter cleaning can cut down your spring-cleaning budget if you can do a thorough and effective job. 

That said, there are a few downsides to DIY gutter cleaning, including: 

  • Safety hazards 
  • Time investment 
  • Equipment purchases  
  • Lack of expertise 

Before you decide on going down the DIY route, ask yourself these questions. 

  • Do you have the proper knowledge to clean your gutters without damaging other parts of your home?
  • Are you comfortable standing on a ladder for extended periods?
  • Are you fit enough to climb up and down ladders and balance yourself while cleaning? 
  • Do you have the right equipment to perform the task? 

If your answer to these questions is ‘no’, then it’s better to not think about doing things yourself. Get a professional gutter cleaning service on the phone and delegate the task to them pronto. 

2. Tips for DIY Gutter Cleaning

Are you confident in your gutter-cleaning abilities? Great! Here are a few DIY gutter cleaning tips to help you sail through the project safely and effectively. 

  • Choose a sturdy ladder. Around 164,000 people end up in the emergency room after falling off a ladder- and you certainly don’t want to be one of them
  • Bring a bucket of tools 
  • Don’t forget your protective gear like gloves and eyeglasses 
  • Use a gutter scoop to dislodge compacted debris like leaves, acorns, twigs, and snow 
  • Optimize your leaf blower with gutter-cleaning attachments 
  • Install gutter guards 

3. Professional Spring Gutter Cleaning 

Professional gutter technicians have the training, skills, and equipment to clean your gutters efficiently. Although they cost more, a professional gutter cleaning service will save you a ton of time and labor, no questions asked. 

Here are a few benefits of hiring a professional spring gutter cleaning service. 

  • Expertise: Professional gutter cleaners follow the right procedures and techniques to clean your gutter system. Haphazard cleaning will only damage your system and lead to further clogging. 
  • Safety: Your gutter system is expansive. You might think you can climb your ladder and hose it down, but it’s hard for the uninitiated. A professional technician is trained in safety measures and can protect themselves. 
  • Equipment: Experts also have the right equipment to perform a thorough cleaning job. Plus, they can operate quickly, so they’ll be out of your hair in no time. 
  • Bonus inspections: When pros clean your gutters, they can identify any issues that should be taken care of and refer you to other experts who can perform the repairs.

4. What to Consider When Choosing a Professional Gutter Cleaning Service?

Wondering how to find the right company for your spring gutter cleaning job? With so many specialists in the market, you might have a tough time settling on one. To help you out, we have compiled a list of five factors you must consider when hiring a gutter cleaning company. 

  • Insurance and Licensing 
  • Experience 
  • Customer Reviews 
  • Budget 
  • Safety Record 

5. Which is Right for You?

So, what’s better, DIY or professional gutter cleaning? That depends on several factors, including budget constraints and your confidence levels using ladders. While DIY might seem appealing on paper, hiring a professional is worth every penny. Why not let someone else do the hard work if you have the money to spare? 

Either way, be sure to account for elements like budget, time, and skills before you make your final decision! 

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference. But whether you opt for a professional gutter cleaning or DIY, remember that safety comes first. In case you don’t feel confident cleaning your gutters yourself, it’s best to leave it in capable hands rather than risking an accident trying to do it yourself.  

Ready for spring gutter cleaning? Give the experts at Ace Gutter Inc a call. We can handle spring gutter cleaning jobs of any size, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. For more information, give us a call today!