Gutter Leaf Guards: 8 Do’s and Don’ts of Gutter Protection and Maintenance

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning, Leaf Guards

gutter guard benefits

The guttering around the perimeter of your roof is essential to your home’s structure. However, it’s also one area of your home that’s often neglected. For some reason, homeowners tend to avoid cleaning their gutters till their back is against the wall. And as we’ve mentioned before, poorly maintained gutters can lead to a world of problems.  Now, not everyone … Read More

How to Prevent Pest Infestations with Regular Gutter Cleaning

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning

As important as they are for protection from rainwater damage, rain gutters can become a magnet for pests. Leaves, twigs, and other debris that gather in your rain gutters provide a perfect place for insects and rodents to thrive.  Insects and rodents are more than just a nuisance – they are a threat to your home and health. While some … Read More

What is The Average Cost of Gutter Cleaning for Two-Story Homes in Utah?

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning

two story gutter cleaning

Many Utah homeowners, even the most faithful DIY enthusiasts, don’t like the idea of cleaning gutters. For one, it’s a demanding task. You will need to burn some elbow grease, especially for two-story home gutters. Secondly, it’s messy, or some might even say a gross job. Your hands and clothes will get dirty as you remove the leaves, twigs, and other debris from your … Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Safely Cleaning Gutters on a Two-Story House

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning

gutter cleaning on two story house

Gutters are like the silent heroes of our homes, quietly protecting our foundations, walls, and basements from water damage without much recognition. Yet, when they get clogged, they can turn into our biggest headache, especially if you live in a two-story house in Utah. Neglected gutters can quickly become clogged with leaves, debris, and other unwanted materials, leading to a … Read More

Tips for Maintaining Your Gutter Guards Year-Round

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning

Gutter Leaf Guards are a significant investment in protecting your home from water damage. They prevent leaves, twigs, and debris from clogging your gutters, and ensure that rainwater flows away from your home.  And, like any other part of your home, they require regular maintenance to function correctly.  In this post, we’ll walk through some essential tips for maintaining your … Read More

The Benefits of Professional Gutter Cleaning Services in Utah’s Winter

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning

gutters with snow and debris

Winter in Utah is all about powdery snow, freezing temperatures, and short daylight hours. With the nip in the air getting progressively colder, many homeowners find themselves wondering, “Do we even need to clean our gutters in this weather?” The short answer is, yes. During winter, gutters are more prone to clogs from fallen debris like leaves, twigs, ice, and … Read More

4 Types of Rain Gutters to Protect Your Home

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning, Rain Gutters

Ace Gutter shows 4 types of rain gutters

An often-overlooked part of our homes, rain gutters play a pivotal role in keeping us safe. Proper rain gutter installation is essential as they efficiently channel rainwater away from our house, preventing potential water damage. That being said, it is crucial to choose the right type of gutters for your house. For this, you’ll have to consider factors like the local climate … Read More

7 Signs You Need to Repair or Replace Your Soffit and Fascia

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning, Rain Gutters

soffit and fascia repair on home in Layton

Your roof might seem like one giant structure, but it’s pretty complex, with various parts and components working together to increase ventilation, provide protection, and improve your home’s aesthetics. Two of those are the soffit and the fascia. Wait, what are those? We’ll explain.  Take a look at your roof. Now, look at the underside of the part hanging past … Read More

How to Become a Apprentice Gutter Installer?

Ace Gutter StaffGutter cleaning, Rain Gutters


Who wouldn’t like to make their career in an exciting and hands-on field that involves working outdoors! If this sounds like your cup of tea, you should start applying for apprentice rain gutter jobs right away.  However, there’s more to becoming a rain gutter installer than sending out applications!  Everyone knows rain gutters do the crucial job of protecting homes … Read More